Israeli soldiers fire tear gas towards praying protesters

Last Friday 21st of August, more than 150 protesters gathered for the usual prayer under the olive trees in the outskirts of Ni’lin. The fully armed Israeli soldiers started shooting their tear gas canisters towards the protesters even before they finished the prayer.

Once the weekly protest was properly launched an army jeep came driving at high speed towards the demonstration firing more than 60 gas canisters at once. First aid personnel had to attend to four protesters and two younger children who almost suffocated in the middle of the gas cloud caused by the volley.

The jeep continued to fire tear gas towards the houses of the village. As a result of this the olive fields of Mustafa Amireh caught fire but luckily protesters could extinguish the fire and prevent any damage to the trees.

Protester kept the demonstration going for two hours. During the clashes dozens suffered from tear gas inhalation. Two young men were injured by rubber coated steel bullets hitting them in the back and the head respectively. They could be treated on site thanks to the new first aid kit donated to the village from supporters from around the world.

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