Updates on the water well project in Nilin

Dear friends,
I would like to update you all briefly on the process of our campaign:
We have managed so far to collect 5033€ on GFM and 500€ bank transfer) out of 10000€ for the construction of the water well.

Small clarification: The water well is not meant to search for a source of water underground, because this is almost impossible in our area (for geological reasons and political reasons as we would need permit from Israel to do that). What we call water well is in fact a cistern we build underground to use as storage, and fill it with rain water for instance.

A very big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all my friends and all the great people who helped and are helping us during this campaign!
We are hoping to succeed to build it before the rain starts so that it can be ready to be filled

This war is only getting worse and worse, it seems it has no ending soon.
the settlers attacks are getting more and more organised and heavier against us, and the water problem is only getting worse in the village.

This is a plea to our friends and all people of the world who believe in our freedom. Please donate what you can to help us construct this vital project in Nilin. Please continue to share it as much as you canπŸ™πŸ»
God bless you all!

Thank you so much! πŸ™πŸ»

Here is the link to the campaign: https://gofund.me/93c440fd

Saeed Amireh